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Hey, I'm Fred!

I'm a full stack software engineer creating open source projects and writing about modern JavaScript, Node.js, and development.

Portfolio Projects

I help startups and digital agencies launch projects on time, with no pain.

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Konectpal Invest

Real Estate

Mobile-first web app that connects real estate investors, and property owners built with Bootstrap, JavaScript, jQuery and Node.js.

Siika Designs

Fashion Brand

Virtual fashion brand is revolutionizing the design process and retail experience with software-driven designed clothing.


Email me at fred at fredsiika dot com if you'd like to speak with me. I'm around.


If you'd prefer to be contacted by me, you can get notified when I've written or created something new via the newsletter. I generally send out an email once a month or less, and you can one-click unsubscribe at any time.

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